Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Worth Mentioning

"Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?" ~Coleman Cox

At times before I go to bed I ask myself, ‘what have I done today that is truly worth mentioning?’ Did I give it my all? Was I being the person I committed to being? Did I sell out on myself, or someone else? How have I contributed to this universe in such a way that someone, somewhere, is realizing that they matter? Did I meet all my goals? Have I lived today as if it was my last?

Heavy questions, I know. There are times right before I go to sleep I find myself smiling. Smiling because I know I have done what I could and thank God for the day and pray that I’ll see tomorrow.

I believe that every moment of our lives is worth mentioning, especially if it’s a moment that we have gained clarity. Clarity that enables me to move forward. Clarity that often times is masked by my insecurities, my fears and my own judgments about myself. When I get clear, its as if the weight of the world is off my shoulders. Getting clear enables me to see the things that I haven’t seen or refuse to see.

When working a 9-5 I sometimes allow myself to get into this rut of everyday living. Sometimes it sucks me into a daily routine. When I find myself repeating a day over, I stop and ask myself is this how I want to truly live my life? Then I start questioning myself, how have I impacted this universe in such a way that I can say I have left a legacy?

Then I get grounded and re-member that it takes only one person. Only one person to put a smile on your face. Only one person to turn your day around. Only one person to tell you I Love You. Only one person to put their hand on your shoulder and tell you everything is going to be ok. Only one person to give you that big hug that you so desire at the very moment.

At the end of the day my life is worth mentioning because I’m worth it and so are you!

I LOVE YOU! Special.K.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What will YOUR Vision Board Look Like?!?

Even before the New Year hit, I have been thinking a lot about a Vision Board. To keep me on track on what I want for myself and what I want to create for 2011. I thought about it a lot and started doing some research on it being that I have never created one before. I found an article by Christine Kane that gives you step by step on how to create different types of Vision Boards. Enjoy!

Supplies you’ll need for creating a Vision Board:

- Poster board. (Target sells a really nice matte finish board. I highly recommend it.)
- A big stack of different magazines. (You can get them at libraries, hair salons, dentist offices, the YMCA.) Make sure you find lots of different types. If you limit your options, you’ll lose interest after a while. When I facilitate my women’s retreats, I always make sure we have plenty of Oprah, Real Simple, Natural Home, Yoga Journal, Dwell, Ode, Parenting, Money, Utne, and an assortment of nature magazines.
- Glue. Not Elmers. (It makes the pages ripple.) I like using Yes! Glue or Rubber cement. Glue sticks are my second choice because they don’t last.

Before you begin your vision board:

No matter which method you’re choosing, have a little ritual before you begin your vision board. Sit quietly and set the intent. With lots of kindness and openness, ask yourself what it is you want. Maybe one word will be the answer. Maybe images will come into your head. Just take a moment to be with that. This process makes it a deeper experience. It gives a chance for your ego to step aside just a little, so that you can more clearly create your vision.
Put on soft music. My favorite music for activities like this is Anugama Shamanic Dream I and Shamanic Dream II. I love these CD’s for massage or any activity where you want to keep your mind quiet.
The Five Steps of Creating a Vision Board:
Step 1: Go through your magazines and tear the images from them. No gluing yet! Just let yourself have lots of fun looking through magazines and pulling out pictures or words or headlines that strike your fancy. Have fun with it. Make a big pile of images and phrases and words.
Step 2: Go through the images and begin to lay your favorites on the board. Eliminate any images that no longer feel right. This step is where your intuition comes in. As you lay the pictures on the board, you’ll get a sense how the board should be laid out. For instance, you might assign a theme to each corner of the board. Health, Job, Spirituality, Relationships, for instance. Or it may just be that the images want to go all over the place. Or you might want to fold the board into a book that tells a story. At my retreats, I’ve seen women come up with wildly creative ways to present a vision board.
Step 3: Glue everything onto the board. Add writing if you want. You can paint on it, or write words with markers.
Step 4: (optional, but powerful) Leave space in the very center of the vision board for a fantastic photo of yourself where you look radiant and happy. Paste yourself in the center of your board.
Step 5: Hang your vision board in a place where you will see it often.

Three Types of Vision Boards:

1 - The “I Know Exactly What I Want” Vision Board
Do this vision board if:
- You’re very clear about your desires.
- You want to change your environment or surroundings.
- There is a specific thing you want to manifest in your life. (i.e. a new home, or starting a business.)
How to create this vision board:
With your clear desire in mind, set out looking for the exact pictures which portray your vision. If you want a house by the water, then get out the Dwell magazine and start there. If you want to start your own business, find images that capture that idea for you. If you want to learn guitar, then find that picture. I remember at the last retreat, one woman yelled out, “If anyone finds a picture of a little girl with red hair who looks happy, give it to me!” And someone else yelled out, “I’m looking for a Cadillac!” Pretty soon, a lively trading session began. Following the five steps above, create your vision board out of these images.

2 – The “Opening and Allowing” Vision Board
Do this vision board if:
- You’re not sure what exactly you want
- You’ve been in a period of depression or grief
- You have a vision of what you want, but are uncertain about it in some way.
- You know you want change but don’t know how it’s possible.
How to create this vision board:
Go through each magazine. Tear out images that delight you. Don’t ask why. Just keep going through the magazines. If it’s a picture of a teddy bear that makes you smile, then pull it out. If it’s a cottage in a misty countryside, then rip it out. Just have fun and be open to whatever calls to you. Then, as you go through Step 2 above, hold that same openness, but ask yourself what this picture might mean. What is it telling you about you? Does it mean you need to take more naps? Does it mean you want to get a dog, or stop hanging out with a particular person who drains you? Most likely you’ll know the answer. If you don’t, but you still love the image, then put it on your vision board anyway. It will have an answer for you soon enough. Some women at my retreats had NO idea what their board was about, and it wasn’t until two months later that they understood. The Opening and Allowing Vision Board can be a powerful guide for you. I like it better than the first model because sometimes our egos think they know what we want, and lots of times those desires aren’t in alignment with who we really are. This goes deeper than just getting what you want. It can speak to you and teach you a little bit about yourself and your passion.

3 – The “Theme” Vision Board
Do this vision board if:
- It’s your birthday or New Years Eve or some significant event that starts a new cycle.
- If you are working with one particular area of your life. For instance, Work & Career.
How to create this vision board:
The only difference between this vision board and the others is that this one has clear parameters and intent. Before you begin the vision board, take a moment to hold the intent and the theme in mind. When you choose pictures, they will be in alignment with the theme. You can do the Theme Vision Board on smaller pages, like a page in your journal.
Some things to remember about vision boards:
- You can use a combination of all three types of vision boards as you create. Sometimes you might start out doing one kind, and then your intuition takes over and shifts into a whole different mode. That’s called creativity. Just roll with it.
- Your vision board might change as you are making it. I was just talking with a friend of mine who said that she had been making a vision board for the new year. The theme was all about what she wanted in this year. Then, as she pulled pictures and began to lay them out, the theme changed into a simpler one about her everyday life and the moments in each day. It surprised and delighted her to experience that evolution. You might find that you have little epiphanies from making a vision board.
Make a Vision Journal
Another option is to use these same principles in a big sketch book. Get a large sketch book and keep an on-going vision journal. This is especially effective if you’re going through many transitions in your life.

What will YOUR Vision Board Look Like?!?

I LOVE YOU! Special.K.

Monday, January 3, 2011

COURAGE... Is Fear Turned Inside Out!

“Remember, you can know much about Love, but that cannot help to know Love. Love can be known only by Loving. It means you have to move into Love without knowing anything about it. That’s why it needs Courage. You have to move in the dark, with no map, nobody to guide, not even a torch. You have to move in the dark not knowing where you are moving, not knowing whether you are on the right track or not, not knowing whether you will find the path or you will fall in a ditch and be lost forever. This is the courage.” ~ Osho

I’m very big on quotes, poems, essays; pretty much words that Inspire, Motivate and Move me. One of the most renowned Spiritual Writers that I have started to grow very fond of is Osho Rajneesh. I have been reading many of his quotes, and as you will notice in the upcoming blogs, I will definitely be quoting many of his words.

Courage?! What does that word mean?


–noun 1. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. 2. Obsolete . the heart as the source of emotion.

3.have the courage of one's convictions, to act in accordance with one's beliefs, esp. in spite of criticism.

Many will have their own definition of what Courage truly is. For me, I believe Courage is an attribute that many of Us have and sometimes we don’t tap into as much as we know we could.

There are many several different types and several different ways to convey courage. Moral courage is something that happens within us, when one takes initiative to succeed when no one else will. Physical courage is an action that one can see and experience for themselves inside and out. In someone’s lifetime at one point or another some type of courage will affect them. This can possibly be a negative or positive experience depending on how that person takes responsibility of the outcome.

Courage is when you go out on your first date and don’t know if that other person would want to kiss you; you do it anyways because you don’t want to ask yourself the ‘what ifs’ when you get back to your car.
Courage is requesting for that pay raise, when you know you are worthy of it.
Courage is a friend in disguise, because when everyone walks out, you are the one who remains standing.
Courage is raising your hand in class, to ask that question that everyone is dying to ask but can’t find the Courage, only you can.
Courage is risking, and not knowing what’s ahead, but the Journey is far more Beautiful then the destination.
Courage is walking on those skinny branches, with your head held high.
Courage is fear turned inside out.
Courage is saying “I love you,” not because you Love me, but because I…! LOVE...! YOU…! Period!

Everyone who Loves Freely and Unconditionally will Live Courageously. It takes Courage to Love! Courage is already in Us, so what are You waiting for? Tap into Your Courage and I promise You, Your Life as You know it will be altered Forever!

 I LOVE YOU! Special.K.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolution Revolution

I recently read a blog concerning Resolutions. It's only fitting to share with all of You.

You Say You Want a Resolution…

Written by Christine Kane

If you’re on my mailing list, then you’ve either participated in this activity or you’ve read about it already. This has been my new year’s ritual for several years now, and I believe whole-heartedly in its power.

I created this ritual because I never liked the idea of resolutions, but I still wanted to mark the beginning of a new year and the change that it represents.

The Resolutionary War

Most of us know that New Year’s resolutions are often broken by the end of January. The best example I can give is from the gym. Every January 2nd, I show up at the gym at my usual time to find that it’s packed to the gills with newbies. Then, by March 1st, the numbers have decreased, and I see mostly just the people who have been there all along.

Why do we do this?

I think most of us have become numb to the idea of resolutions. Resolutions are like diets. They’re events. They’re uninspiring. And most people state them with unconscious intent.

Another reason resolutions don’t always work is because they’re often made from the level of the effect. A person might look at the effects in her life (i.e., her weight), and she thinks that the level of the effect is where to approach change. (i.e. losing the weight) She doesn’t stop to recognize the deeper causes of that effect. Maybe she has been unhappy and unfulfilled because she never pursued a bigger life goal, and food or apathy became a way to avoid that truth. Maybe she has been angry with someone for years and she has held onto that anger (and that weight).

If she were to look at the issue from the level of cause, she might make an entirely different resolution. Facing the avoidance or the fear, dealing with the anger, or being willing to forgive… these are the level of cause. They’re obviously only a beginning, but they provide at least the foundation for a whole-life change, as opposed to the Atkins Diet and a two-month relationship with the Y.

A Better Alternative

One year I just decided to revolt against resolutions. I had my very own “resolution revolution.” I decided to simplify, to focus, and to be gentle about the approach. Here it is:

Pick a word for the year.

Just one word. That’s all.

Then, hold that word in your mind throughout the year, and let your word guide you to take action. For instance, let’s say you want to make a resolution to lose 20 pounds, and to change jobs. Rather than say, “I resolve to lose 20 pounds and get a better job,” (which can be somewhat overwhelming) you might sit with this thought for a little while. Write in your journal. Maybe then you would recognize that you’ve been scared to look for another job because there might not be something out there, and maybe you’ve been overeating to stuff down the fears that come up and the feelings of insecurity.

So, instead of making resolutions – which do little to inspire you – you choose the word “courage.” Courage then becomes what guides you. Each day you focus on that word. When you don’t want to go to the gym, you don’t berate yourself with the threat of your resolution. Instead, you motivate yourself with your word. “Courage.” You say it aloud to remind yourself. And you go because learning how to not be scared of change is exciting to you. The word then builds on itself. You might decide to take a yoga class even though the skinny yoga girls have always scared you. You might find that you have a little more energy with each new thing you try. Maybe this energy motivates you to call an old friend in your field and let her know you are looking for another job. Courage becomes the guiding force, not the harsh standard. (And WAY better for you than a pound of bacon and four eggs for breakfast, too!)

My Own Examples
One year, I chose the word “Generosity.” All year long, I held that word in my consciousness. I left tips for housekeeping at each hotel on my road trips. I paid the toll of the car behind me. (This is surprisingly embarrassing to do!) I observed when I was feeling too scared to be generous, clutching to my “hard earned” money. What I found was that the word “generosity” also taught me about courage, willingness, letting go, and wealth. Each word will bring a string of words along with it. But don’t try to force it. The process will be organic and perfectly designed just for you.

The year I chose Gratitude, I started a gratitude journal and began to experience “Abundance” as an additional bonus.

What word to choose?

I have found that most people just know right off which word resonates with them. Every year when I’ve sent this idea out to my email list, I immediately receive about 25 responses from people who instantly know what their word is.

I have compiled a list of possible words below. As you read through them, see if one stands out for you. It’s tempting to choose four or five, believing that you can do it all! (Or that you’re that messed up and can’t possibly narrow your flaws down to one helpful word!) I recommend that if you don’t know how to choose just one, narrow it down to no more than three. One is ideal. It gives you focus. If you master that one word, you can choose another one in June.
>> Compassion
>> Generosity
>> Effortlessness
>> Wealth
>> Gratitude
>> Abundance
>> Creativity
>> Willingness
>> Change
>> Growth
>> Freedom
>> Mastery
>> Kindness
>> Health
>> Presence
>> Acceptance
>> Courage
>> Confidence
>> Self-Love
>> Action
>> Forgiveness
>> Release
>> Trust
>> Knowing
>> Patience
>> Friendship
>> Fun
>> Grace
>> Laughter
>> Love
>> Expansion
>> Exploration
>> Adventure
>> Openness
>> Discipline
>> Awe
>> Awareness
>> Risk
>> Gentleness
>> Choice
>> Spirit
>> Prayerfulness
>> Power
>> Allowing
>> Artfulness
>> Attention
>> Beauty
>> Joy
>> Focus
>> Ritual
>> Healing
>> Order
>> Clarity

So what's Your Word for the Year?

Mine is Sharing! May even take on another word. Boooya!

I LOVE YOU! Special.K.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011... It's only the Beginning

2011… What does this year have in store for You, for Me and for Everyone? If you were to fast forward the time and say that you are looking at the clock at this very moment and it was 11:59pm, on 12-31-11, how would You have wanted the last 365 days to look like? Have You met all of Your commitments? Have You reached all Your goals? Have You spent time with the ones that You Love and Adore? Have You Risked and Stretched Yourself in ways You can only imagine? Did You choose something to be different?
Now come back to this present moment that You are in, and here is the best part it’s not 12-31-11, its only 1-1-11! YAAAY, you still have those 365 days to create and manifest all those lingering questions. Your Life is in Your hands and no one else. You get to create what You have always dreamed of. You get to fulfill all the commitments that You promised Yourself.  You Get to Heal, Give, Inspire, Motivate, Empower and Love.
These 365 blogs are dedicated to YOU.
My Vision for the World is for EVERYONE to GET that THEY Matter, that THEY ARE Worth it! To Live a Life of Purpose and NO Regrets! Get to Utilize the Tools that I have been born with. I Am Committed to Transforming this World through Healing, Giving, Inspiring, Motivating, Empowering and Loving Words. Come with me on this Vision/Journey. Let’s Create Magic Together! Boooya!!
I LOVE YOU! Special.K.